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Mentoriksi Helsinki Female Tech Founder Frontrunners -mentorointiohjelmaan

10.2.2022 @ 12:00 - 14.2.2022 @ 23:30

Non-profit teknologiayhteisö Tech Nordic Advocates (TNA) ja Helsingin kaupunki ovat lanseeranneet Helsinki Female Tech Founder Frontrunners -mentorointiohjelman teknologia-alan yrittäjyydestä kiinnostuneille sekä juuri yrityksen aloittaneille naisille. Ensimmäiseen ryhmään on valittu 20 osallistujaa. Ohjelmaan etsitään parhaillaan mentoreita.

Ohjelma alkaa maaliskuun alussa ja kestää noin kuusi kuukautta. Mentoreiden toivotaan antavan aikaansa noin viisi tuntia kuussa.

Lisätietoja ohjelmasta ja mentoroinnista alta. Mentorien haku päättyy maanantaina 14.2.2022.

Haku mentoriksi täällä -> 


Why an International Mentoring Programme?
Helsinki and Finland aim to sustain its leadership position as international tech innovation frontrunner. To achieve that, Helsinki/Finland need to use all its talent. Today, few women choose to launch businesses in the high growth, digital/technology sector. The City of Helsinki and partners have commissioned Tech Nordic Advocates to deliver our successful international mentoring programme, to help them change that and support more women to launch and grow new digital/technology businesses. At the end of the Programme, mentees will produce an executable business/growth plan to launch/grow/scale a startup in the digital/technology space. The Programme is set up to give mentees the support they need to achieve that.

What’s the ’Helsinki Female Tech Founder Frontrunners’ Programme?
Helsinki aims to help 2 x 60 women (60 in 2022 and 60 in 2023, resp.) launch new and grow their existing businesses in the digital/technology space, through a proven international 5 Step-Programme, offering each woman (mentee):

  1. Hands-on mentoring: by 2 hand-picked Finnish/international “Rockstar” mentors to match individual mentee needs
  2. Skills development: training in the key ’hard’ and ‘soft’ skills needed to launch, grow and scale tech businesses, delivered by Finnish/International experts as part of the Programme’s own ‘business school’
  3. Access to ‘Office Hours’: with Finnish and international business, legal, financial, technical, leadership, communications and other experts
  4. Access to networks: access to Tech Nordic Advocates and Project partner networks and events
  5. Access to Tech Nordic Advocates’ international Global Tech Advocates’ ecosystem of tech leaders, investors, experts, potential clients and partners

The programme, including 1-5 above are complemented by the Project’s own community platform, linked with Tech Nordic Advocates’ international Women-in-Tech community platform.

What’s the role of Mentors?
Finnish and international mentors play a crucial role in helping selected mentees and the Programme as a whole achieve the stated goals. As per the above, the Programme offers selected mentees two mentors each to support them.

The Programme is looking for Finnish/international male/female/any gender mentors with a mix of entrepreneurial business/technical/sales/marketing/specific industry sector expertise, hard (e.g. business planning)/soft (e.g personal branding) skills and and a track record as entrepreneurs/business leaders/experts/investors. Mentees are matched with 2 mentors, based on their stated preferences and mentor profiles.

What’s Required of Programme Mentors?
Mentors must be able to offer-up to 5 hours’ mentoring per month (incl. meetings, email and document review time), to be agreed between each mentees/her mentors directly.

Mentees ‘own’ the responsibility for their time on the Programme. Mentors support by adding expertise and experience in specific areas, general advice, review of draft documents, access to own networks and moral support.

What’s in it for Mentors?
Mentoring is so established now – all great leaders know how important and valuable mentoring is for mentees AND mentors. See why here.